Medical Services

Yearly Physical
It is important for every adult to get yearly preventative physicals. During this visit we discuss age and sex appropriate recommended vaccinations, health screenings and healthy lifestyle practices. Prevention is a major tool we have to stay on the path of wellness.
Driver's Permit
Looking to get that driver's license? Call us to get that learner's permit examination
Medical Marijuana Certification
Medical Marijuana is very effective in treating a variety of condition such as chronic pain, glaucoma and anxiety. In many states, including Pennsylvania, medical marijuana can be prescribed to treat specific conditions failed to respond to traditional medical treatment. Insurance does not cover this examination.
Chronic Medical Illnesses
With our years of experience, we are your medical home to help you manage your chronic medical conditions. We utilized a variety of specialist, when necessary, to be part of your care team to help you maintain control of your medical conditions to reduce risk of complications. Our goal is to help you maintain your health.
Additional Services
Joint injections
Suture Removals
Acute illness
We have SAME DAY or 2-4 DAY URGENT appointments to address acute medical conditions. We can see you in a telemedicine visit or in-person visit, if needed.